

The SubGNano group refers to the team of students lead by Prof. Dr. Gerson J. Ferreira, and it’s part of the larger group GNano/UFU.

Prof. Dr. Gerson J. Ferreira

Info Lattes Google Scholar ResearcherID

Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Office: 1A225, Campus Sta. Mônica
Phone: +55 (34)3239-4222

Research interests

  • spintronics and spin related phenomena

  • spin dynamics, spin drift and diffusion

  • topological insulators, graphene, and novel materials

  • group theory applied to solid state physics

  • non-equilibrium Green’s function, transport properties

  • computational physics, neural networks


Acknowledgements & support

Funding agencies
Other support

Open source team chat, free cloud account for academic research groups


Codes and webpage repository