Gallery ======= .. figure:: grouppics/2024-04-25\ Uberbrau.jpeg :figwidth: 95 % April 25, 2024. Pedro, Denner, Bryan, Gerson, João Felipe at Uberbrau celebrating TCCs (Pedro and Bianca) and Bryan's recent paper. .. figure:: grouppics/2024-04-25\ TCC\ Bianca.jpg :figwidth: 95 % April 25, 2024. Boselli, Marletta, Gerson, Bianca at Bianca's TCC defense. .. figure:: grouppics/2023-10-10\ EBEE.jpg :figwidth: 95 % October 10, 2023. Bryan and Olavo at the EBEE. .. figure:: grouppics/2023-06-30\ Barbecue.jpg :figwidth: 95 % June 30, 2023. End of semester barbecue: Olavo, Pedro, Gerson, Bryan, Bianca. .. figure:: grouppics/2023-05-25\ EOSBF.jpg :figwidth: 95 % May 25, 2023. At the 2023 EOSBF: Pedro, Bryan Olavo. .. figure:: grouppics/2022-08-22\ Renan-Ismael.jpeg :figwidth: 95 % August 22, 2022: Lausanne (Switzerland). Renan and Ismael, already as former members, meet by accident! They were on different conferences on the same city.